The series tells the story of a lawyer who after losing a class action case is nicknamed “Big Mouth” by his clients. Seeking to bounce back from his loss and earn good money to support his family, he takes up what he believed was a clean-cut case. Enticed by Mayor Choi (played by Kim JuHun), he decides to help him solve the mystery behind the murder of a professor. But unbeknownst to him, this decision would lead to a rollercoaster ride of unfortunate events that would involve him getting in an accident, framed, going to prison, being abused, almost killed, and eventually being tagged as the notorious con man Big Mouse. As we slowly come to the end of the series, the last couple of episodes have been nothing but gripping and we are all emotional and mentally invested in the storyline of the series and we are waiting in sheer anticipation of the reveal of the real Big Mouse as well. With so many twists and turns, more secrets are being revealed, rivalries are being formed and reflamed as friends turn to enemies, and loyalties are being questioned as the struggle to gain power and control is even more glaringly evident by many of the characters. With so many theories regarding who the real Big Mouse is, what really happens in the hospital, the connection between the prison and the hospital, as well as the story between Mayor Choi and “The Elder”, there are various subplots and elements that have made this series such a hit. Asides from its storyline, the synergy between the cast is another factor that contributes brilliantly to its success. With the smart and well-timed dialogue, the reactions, and the display of sheer chemistry, all of these sum up to the reason why the series continues to gain massive popularity among fans. This level of popularity is also evident in its rankings too. Based on the data retrieved on the 31st of August 2022, on Disney+, it currently ranks at number one in 5 Asian countries; South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan. While it ranks at number two in Indonesia. You can access the data and more here. It is important to note that while FlixPatrol has access to data from a huge majority, it does not have access to data from all the countries in the world. Have you seen the episodes of the series?  Who do you think is the real Big Mouth? Let us know in the comments section below.   3 Main Reasons Why “Big Mouth” Is A Must Watch KDRAMA STORIES|Aug 15, 2022 Lee JongSuk’s Thriller K-Drama “Big Mouth” Builds Up In Intensity And Rankings As It Records A Massive High On Disney+ KDRAMA STORIES|Aug 24, 2022

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